Hypno Clock

Watch Design submitted by Guy Mann.

A mesmerizing clock design based on the processingjs.org example code and the polar clock. You can see Guy’s watch design concept in action here.

Guy Mannさんの作品。

動作イメージはこちらからご覧ください。 here

10 thoughts on “Hypno Clock

  1. Not sure what all this is displaying? Which line is for which? If there is 365 days in a ring? Maybe hard to get all info from this without some lines on the face. Love the concept but maybe needs some revision.

    Tokyo Pimp


  2. hm, a little bit to pink, kinky. But it looks great, and the way it tells the time is very interesting. Not my favorit, but very nice.


  3. We really like this design here at Tokyoflash. Great work Guy. We have been admiring this design since you submitted it. Made any Iphone apps for it? Regards from the design team at Tokyoflash Japan.


    • I have not made any iPhone apps but I have had many requests from those who have seen this clock to convert it to an iPhone app. As I am still living in the dark ages of non-smart phone I have not really looked into this. However porting this clock to mobile platforms would be an interesting project.


  4. This is a beauty! I had to look at the website link to work out the meaning of the lines but now I get it, it’s really cool. I like that the display is constantly moving and there are so many elements of time involved, from seconds to months! Well done Guy!


  5. Thank you for your comments. I had tons of fun making this clock and I am very pleased that others now have a chance to enjoy my creation. The coloring of the arches is based on the degree measure between the analog clocks arm and 12 o’clock. This degree measurement is passed as the hue value to an (hue, saturation, value) HSV function which allows for easy cycling of colors.

    In the web-based version there is also the capability to swap what display you are see by clicking on the displays in the corners. This is probably not functionality that would be easily reproduced in the physical world, but some of your readers might enjoy the other clocks, which are, starting in the upper left and going clockwise, an analog clock, a binary clock, and 2 very whimsical clocks which are not readable but rather attractive. The first uses spirals and sine waves to display time and the second whimsical clock uses fractal tree shapes to display the time information. The


  6. First word I thought when I saw it “bought” 😀 It looks good without knowing what is what. Color changing: yes. Round circular lines: yes. Many information: yes. I’m not sure with the strap but I like this watch!


  7. This really is the best of both worlds isn’t it?
    Great looking circular design, with a meaningful circular graph of time. Looks impossible to read at first glance, but then you realise whats going on.
    For those who still have trouble or are in a hurry, press a button to cheat & see the time in regular digits.
    Fashion & function, clever & cool.


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