Perspective watch emulates Tetris

Design submitted by Valentin from the USA.

Valentin says: I was going through my many designs that haven’t submitted and found this one I designed a while ago. I came up with this one when I was more into vintage video games and stuff. don’t really know what to call it. I though maybe something like “arcade” “perspective” or “emulator”? I don’t know since it really just is all that at once.

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Snake watch slithers onto your wrist.

Design submitted by Peter from the UK.

Peter says: The inspiration for this concept is based on the old mobile phone game “Snake”.The premiss for the game: you control a snake, around the screen pixel blocks appear which you try to intercept. As your snake eats the blocks the snake gets longer and longer.
The game is over when you run into your own tail or the edges of the screen.

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