Light-Series e-paper watch with built in flashlight

Design submitted by Lance from Australia.

Lance says: One night after a long day at work I parked my car in the city street and then proceeded to try and read the parking meter in the dark.  I pulled out my trusty phone to use the LED flash as a torch so I could read the meter.  Sure enough I dropped my phone on the concrete (smashing its screen in the process!).  After I got over the anger, the idea came to me.  Why not have a flash light built into a watch!  I’ve never seen someone drop their watch!

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Hadron watch accelerates time particles

Design submitted by Andrew from the UK.

Andrew says: Hadron is a Torus analogue wrist watch is inspired by the large Hadron collider at CERN. The Hadron Collider uses high powered electromagnets to pull atoms / electrons around a giant loop of Vacuum tube to close the speed of light before smashing them together to reveal the sub-atomic structure of the universe. This lead to the discover of the Higgs boson Particle. (Materials: See Diagrams)

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