Predatime – Predator Inspired Watch Concept

Design submitted by Peter from the UK.

Peter says: This is “Predatime”, a watch inspired by the Predator character from the films of the same name. This is a popular inspiration, with most people choosing the self destruct mechanism as the basis for their design. I decided to use the mask image of the iconic character for my design.

The time telling method is very simple, the left eye (as you look at the watch) has 12 red LEDs to describe the hours, the 3rd, 6th,9th and 12th being a dimmer led (or lens) to highlight these incruments to make reading quicker. The right eye is made up of 11 green LEDs which represent 5 minutes each, the 15, 30,and 45 minute incruments again are highlighted by a dimmer LED (or lens). The single minutes are described by 4 red LEDs where predator’s aiming laser is mounted.

This design is unashamedly literal and playing direct homage to the mask of the iconic character. While this will put off more conservative consumers it should appeal to die hard sci-fi and horror fans. The mask shape may also appeal to gothic fans too.

40 thoughts on “Predatime – Predator Inspired Watch Concept

  1. this looks friggin awesome!! especially the first image!! (i’m not as crazy about the look of the black and white versions)..i am a fan of predator, and although as a woman i would never wear this personally, i appreciate its epicness for male sci-fi fans. there may be concerns with copyright regarding the literal likeness of the mask, but if that’s not a problem, i say this watch should be made. 🙂 5* best of luck!


    • I dont know issues there would be regarding copyright, thats for TF to worry about if they choose this design. Im glad you like the look even if it doesnt appeal from a wearing perspective. Thanks for the feedback and the vote! 😀


    • Thanks a lot KV! Its one ugly mother trucker! Cheers for the comment and the vote! 😀
      Nice “rune” avatar! 😀


  2. I’m not a fan of this design. It simply isn’t my style. I’m not sure if I could like any design that uses a character’s face as the watch face, but I encourage you to try and change my mind in the future!

    The band was a good choice for the face and the time telling method is great. Easy to read, and good sci-fi looks. Although I wouldn’t buy it, I appreciate that you always put out quality images.


    • Thanks for the feedback JP, I imagine a robot face would work quite nice too and would allow a more abstract look that might appeal. (something to think about) Thanks for the compliment about the images! 😀


  3. Transformers, more than meets the eye. Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of Pete’s watch!

    Sorry, Pete…but you still get 5* from me, HAHA.


    • Transformers are a nice inspiration for this style of watch. You should try it! 😀
      Cheers for the comment and the vote! 😀


  4. Khakhakhakha (Predator lol) I luv it! I was waiting for it for AGES. I think I saw Predator two times since you posted it on Facebook. You know I’m not a fan of too literal designs but a) Predator rocks and b) you found a way to make it rather sublte (compared to your Terminator airplane) but you have all the important details. I cross my fingers for this one Pete. 5*/CHOPPA!


    • hahaha nice, yeah or it could accaisonally use a little voice mimickery or that eeri clicking niose. Then theres the sound when scrolling thought the various vision modes or the self destruct sounds, so many sound bites such little time. Cheers for the thoughts Tony! 😀


    • Thanks for giving this design time to grow on you, it’s probably not for everyone this design. Thanks for the wow and the vote! 😀


    • Hahaha, I kinda lust after this myself but then people who have come to know my sense of humour will know I have the mental age of a 15 yr old! Hehe. Thanks for the comment Diane! 😀


  5. I don’t like the overall look, mainly because i’m not a fan of that movie, which I haven’t seen btw. But I love the time-telling method you choose.


  6. This is soon to slip into oblivion so a quick thanks to the honest and constructive votes, commenters and sharers/likers.
    A big cheers to TF for posting this crazyness! 😉


    Pete of Team GB! 😀


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